The judges of the land (USA) - not quite sure how you make the passage apply to the judges of a country, any country. The directions were for the judges of ISRAEL, not the neighboring countries. Mixing the requirements det by God with today's judiciary is problematic, at the least.

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It is not problematic at all. God says judges must judge with impartiality. Judges of Israel must judge this way, as any other judge.

Again, judges are part of the ordained civil government. They, the judges in the USA are ordained of God, must follow the ordinances of God.

As per Romans 15:4 we know those things written before were for our learning. What can we learn from the Old Testament teachings about judges, they MUST just impartially and take no bribes.

Your objection is invalid. It is sinful for judges to take bribes as taught in both the New Testament and in the Old Testament.

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It is implied in your response. I applied the verses correctly. Judges in a civil government follow the same ordinances of God they have always followed. The judges appointed in Israel are civil judges just like the ones appointed in the USA. Both the governments of Israel in the long ago and the USA of today are ordained of God and their officials, judges included, are ordained of God and as such are ministers of God as per Romans 13. So, verses about how judges judge apply universally unless there are mandated that are covenant specific.

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The CONCEPT of authorities are set by God. Only in a very few cases God placed SPECIFIC people in those roles. Look at the kings, prophets, and judges of Israel. How many times did the prophets condemn the kings? And how many FALSE prophets praised and supported the king?

I strongly suggest reading the Biblical texts within their context, rather than the pick 'n choose method, maybe?

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Rom 13:1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

The above was written during the time of Nero, yes, Nero was ordained of God.

Rom 13:4  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth

The “he” in this verse who is a minister of God would be one of the most wicked empowers Rome would ever see when it comes to the persecution of Christian’s. Yet, he was ordained of and a minister of God.

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You are looking for a fight, that is obvious. You have also showed your ignorance about many things here.

Joe Biden was a minister of God.

Joe Biden is not to take a bribe and rule in a way that perverts justice.

How would you prove this with the Bible?

I have applied these verses in their context. You are tilting at windmills here. I don’t know what your problem is.

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I am sorry. Not looking for a fight, but rather, a use of Scripture within the context of the text itself, without making applications which are neither made nor warranted.

You mentioned Joe Biden. Where would you place trump? Surely not as a servant God picked??

One of the problems with the idea that God picked specific people would be, for example, Nero, Caligula, Domitian. Evil people who persecuted the body of Believers in the most cruel of ways. Do you really believe God works in that way??

How about Hitler? Responsible for the death of 24 MILLION people. Stalin? 40+ MILLION people? Idi Amin?

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You are asking about Hitler to try to back me off or for shock value. What you fail to realize is that as tyrants go, Hitler was fairly tame. And, still, You have that little problem with Paul in Romans stating that the powers that be are ordained of God.

We get the leaders we have because God gives them to us. That is what the Bible teaches.

If you can not affirm that God sets the basest of men to rule from time to time then you are not in possession of a reasonable mind.

Dan 4:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

The universal truth is what Daniel was to teach the king and there is not one verse of the Bible that negates the fact that God sets us whom He will and will prop up the basest of men to rule. That means, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Kahn, Alexander, Nero, the list goes on and on. In fact, Cyrus, that wicked king, is referred to as God's messiah.

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So, you think that God is pleased when judges, who, incidentally are God's ministers according to Romans 13, take bribes and pervert justice?

You think that all those verses can not be used to ascertain whether or not civil judges are allowed to take bribes?

You think the judges appointed to judge in Israel are not analogous to civil judges of ANY land?

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Did I say that, or do you assume that I think God is pleased when judges take bribes?

Applying Israel's standards to the US (Or any country, for that matter) is an incorrect use of the Bible. The US (and most other countries) have their own laws about the behavior of judges, kings (Presidents, Prime Ministers).

What I find interesting in the current political climate is that many "Christians" are convinced that the Republican candidate is "sent from God..." No one who calls themselves "Christian" and supports him wonders about the character and compares him with what God requires of kings (Presidents, Prime Ministers etc.)

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