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God has never spoken to you nor anyone else directly. Since we are talking of "NEED," my suggesting is that you need to get out of your echo chamber and learn something about God and His Word.

You tried to triangulate me for my position alluding to me being the only one. A 30 second google search found a Q/A site from a denomination source approved of the Billy Graham foundation that makes the exact same case I do.

I know many who believe as you do, that God talks directly to them separate and apart from His Word. It is all the same story. They have no proof. If you affirm God speaks to you today then it is incumbent upon you to prove it with a sign following. You cannot.

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that isn't proof. you have no proof. The proof of a miracle has to be undeniable. You and those 22 people are delusional. I am sure you heard or experienced something but it was not God. You do not even know what is was. Go tell a psychiatrist you are hearing voices and get some help.

The people who were inspired in the first century proved it. If you God spake directly to you you'd be able to confirm it somehow.

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I don’t think any of the folk in the Bible who were in direct communication with God treated people like that.

Did God tell you to talk to me this way or Satan?

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deletedNov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023
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I'm not sure I understand the juxtaposition there. God teaches through Scripture that revelation and the age of miracles are over. God also teaches through the Scriptures that it is Scripture that equips the man of God for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

I do believe in communication from God, but that communication is always non-miraculous through His Word, the Scriptures.

I appreciate the like and comment. I may be misunderstanding your question. I hope I answered you according to what you asked.

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deletedNov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023
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Saying God cannot speak to man directly is not putting Him in a box nor me placing limitations on Him.

He has revealed all things that pertain to life and godliness in His Word. There is no more reason for Him to speak directly to man, He had already said all He needs to say.

If you are hearing disembodied voices thinking they are God then you need professional help.

God’s Word is all you need.

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Might defensive you are for one who directly communicates with God.

The thing that gets me is simple, no one in the first century debated whether or not miracles were authentic, they just performed them.

You have never heard God’s voice nor has anyone you know heard God’s voice.

God has revealed His will through Scripture. He said thats sufficient.

If you don’t agree with my article my suggestion is subscribe to a different substack. You seem to be trying to pick a fight.

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Yes, really. What ever that was, it wasn’t God nor anything else supernatural.

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