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I fully agree that God’s Wisdom is far superior to mankind’s Wisdom. I am a Christian who is in Love with God! However I put a high value on the Wisdom of us humans as well, even on the wisdom of animals,and of flora as well as the entire Cosmos: all of these being God’s creations. I don’t set up one against the other but honour both with all my heart and soul. That is why I came up with the idea of Global Proverb Exhange ( under Wisdom Distillery) so that we may enrich each other with all wisdoms from all round the world! God’s Love and Wisdom surely permeates through all and His Wisdom in my humble opinion is the very DNA of all other wisdoms in all of creation. Thank you for putting your great summation together in such a great way, I will save it to remind me to always walk humbly in God’s Grace. May you be richly blessed. 🙏🌞😇🕊️🌈❤️

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