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God’s peaceful Spirit of Truth is foreordained to regenerate His spiritually dead, sin-enslaved offspring through the holy spiritual baptism of Christ’s ‘eye of a needle’ Gospel in Ezekiel 36:25-27 and Philippians 2:12-13.

Therefore, my beloved, (the Commonwealth of Israel’s born-again wise virgins in Christ’s holy Bride) just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to take up your martyrs cross and repentantly work out your daily salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God’s faithful Spirit (i.e. the indwelling New Wine) who sovereignly works within your regenerated ‘new wineskin’ heart, causing you to will and to joyfully act on behalf of His foreordained good purpose. Philippians 2:12-13

Freemasonry’s false Jesus Christ within the Angel of Light’s harlot Laodicean Church, preserves the digitally-marked (SS#) souls of his deluded ‘lukewarm Xian’ followers (i.e. foolish virgins) who are, from cradle to grave, happily enslaved within the Marxist UN Beast’s abominable Socialistic Security System. The true Lord Jesus Christ commands the wise virgins in His holy Bride to come out of the Babylonian Whore’s Marxist Security System so that they will not democratically share in her corporate sins or contract any of her incurable plagues. Revelation 18:4

Jesus told them a parable: “No one pours new (Christ’s Gospel Covenant) wine into old (Mosaic Covenant) wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will spill, and the wineskins will be ruined. Instead, new wine is poured into new wineskins. And no one after (self-righteously) drinking old wine wants new, for he says, ‘The old is better.’ ” Luke 5:39; Matthew 25:1-13

Lord Jesus declared that His Gospel’s circumcising commandments are Spirit & Life (i.e. New Covenant Wine); for His Holy Spirit, the Comforter, speaks eternal life into the born-again new-wineskin hearts of His Bride’s wise-virgins. However, the unregenerate old-wineskin hearted foolish-virgins are spiritually dead, unable to comprehend and obediently follow the Bridegroom’s Gospel commands. For God never foreordain them to be graciously re-birthed into the flesh and blood body of His Son, according to His salvation’s heart-transplant gospel in Ezekiel 36:25-27. Under Democracy’s strong delusion, Lucifer’s lukewarm Laodicean Whore is filled with old-wineskin hearted ‘Xians’ who foolishly reject and quench the Holy Spirit (theocratic New Wine) of God’s sovereign free-will. Instead, the New Spiritual Wine from Gods heart fills the new-wineskin hearts of the wise virgins in Christ’s holy Bride.

During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village all global-e-commerce, including the merchandised souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the UN Beast’s Fourth Reich. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.

Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured patriots are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their lives in sacrificial defense of Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution and Columbia’s sacred image of “Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the ‘eugenic-security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.

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